SmartReport is a company specialising in Fleet Telematics, providing services for fleet management, TAG collection control and speed control by section, alongside fines and incident management. The whole system design concept is unique worldwide, helping reduce fleet vehicles’ misuse and optimising TAG control.
SmartReport also offers consulting and custom development services.
SmartReport’s TAG Collection Control System uses Trax Matching and other AI techniques to snap GPS traces to the road and create consistent and accurate route path rendering. Using map matching, SmartReport ensures that their automated TAG reports are correct and reliable and avoids false positives, achieving high accuracy of over 95%.
SmartReport’s systems monitor thousands of vehicles every day, helping their customers improve their cash flow due to billing lags, get real-time information on fines, control speed by section, and detect the improper use of fleet vehicles.
Today, their service is used by Buses, Pick Up Delivery, Car Sharing, Car Pooling and Rentals, amongst others.
Having reviewed and tested different solutions, SmartReport started working with Trax Matching three years ago due to the fast and responsive API, precise and consistent path rendering and competitive package.
Trax Matching’s proprietary map matching algorithm provides quick, accurate and consistent corrections for inaccuracies in GPS due to missing or inaccurate data. The service is accessible through a simple snap to roads REST API and can be integrated into applications in minutes.
Learn more about Trax Matching or sign up for your free trial on our Developer Site.
You can also read more of our case studies on Usage-Based Insurance, Mileage Tracking and Out Of Home Advertising.